Friday, February 12, 2010

From Wes Seymour

is living in sin, or being a slave to sin, a "state of mind" ?? or is it by the works we do? or a compilation of both?

does that end when we make the conscious decision to be baptized? ... and after that, when we sin through-out our christian lives are we living in christ with just a few blips in the road here and there? ... and if we decide to turn our backs to Christ again and go back to living in sin is it as simple as that? ... just as simple as repentance to go back to living with Christ?


  1. wes, i think the slavery to sin is the life that we live before we are "in Christ," because we are powerless to overcome our past sins which simply mount up to the bringing of the wrath of God spoken of in earlier chapters. when we are baptized into Christ, the relationship to sin changes. we are no longer slaves to sin because it does not chain us to the death that sin brings (6:23). we are now slaves to righteousness, and even thought we sin periodically, the chain to death has been broken. the one who later repudiates Christ, denounces His salvation, then goes back to the chains of slavery he had before.

  2. hey laurie!
    what an awesome description of our new relationship in Christ and the practical effect that has on "incidental sin" in our life as we walk with Him!

  3. hey, wes and whoever is abbazabba, the above comment is from me (mark k). don't ask me how i posted it under Laurie's name. i am such a techno-idiot!
